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雲林企業誠信雙語論壇上場 以廉政為橋梁深化國際友誼
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2024-09-02 14:45
張起床 雲林縣 報導

























雲林縣政府一向以企業誠信、法令遵循為施政經緯,並積極促進公私部門攜手實踐ESG的國際化城市。為積極接軌國際,於9月2日假三好國際酒店尊爵廳舉辦首場2024「科技法遵.智慧經濟」企業誠信國際雙語論壇,現場邀集產官學與馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處臺中分處處長朱靖雅、駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處貿易部主任Mr. Bayu Nugroho、外交部雲嘉南辦事處、雲林科技工業區廠商協進會及轄內農漁畜牧產業、環保業務等相關企業團體業者、縣府教育處長、新聞處長、文觀處長、環保局長、衛生局長、警察局長、消防局秘書約200名代表參加,此次論壇規劃「科技法遵.誠信治理」及「公私協力.標竿分享」二大主軸,並透過論壇成立「企業服務廉政平臺」,啟動企業服務聯繫機制,強化簡政便民措施、協助企業建構廉政誠信治理網絡,並藉由廉政打開國際之路。




YunlinBilingual Forum on Enterprise Integrity Takes the Stage:

StrengtheningInternational Friendship Through Integrity

Yunlin County Governmenthasconsistently prioritized enterprise integrity and law compliance in itsadministrative approach, actively fostered collaboration between public andprivate sectors to advance ESG practices and transformed into an internationalcity. To strengthen international connections, the county hosted its 2024"Technological Law Compliance & Smart Economy" InternationalBilingual Forum on September 2 at the Monarch Hall of San Ho InternationalHotel.

The forum gathered around 200 representativesfrom industry, government, and academia, including Ms. Sabrina Pacalinga Aaron,Director of Manila Economic and Cultural Office, Taichung Extension Office, Mr.Bayu Nugroho, Director of Trade of Indonesian Economic and Trade Office toTaipei, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Southwestern Tainan Office,members of the Yunlin Technology Industrial Park Manufacturers Association, aswell as representatives from local agricultural, fisheries, livestock, andenvironmental sectors.

The forum focused on two main themes:"Technological Law Compliance & Ethical Governance" and"Public-Private Collaboration & Benchmark Sharing." Additionally,it established the "Enterprise Integrity International Platform,"designed to initiate an enterprise service connection mechanism, enhance administrativesimplification, assist companies in building networks for integrity governance,and open doors for international cooperation through transparency.

As part of the "Technological LawCompliance & Ethical Governance" theme, the forum featured keynotepresentations by Professor Lin Chih-Chieh from National Yang Ming Chiao TungUniversity’s School of Law and Technology, and Mr.Su Wen-Tang, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of MediaTek Inc.Professor Lin in-depth analyzed how to maintain business integrity and protectconsumer rights in the digital age. Mr. Su discussed strategies and challengesassociated with managing trade secrets amid industry transformation.

Additionally, the forum invited Mr. HsuJen-Hui, former Chairman of Transparency Taiwan, and Mr. Chiu Chang-Lin, headof the Anti-Corruption Division at the Ministry of Justice's Agency AgainstCorruption, to engage in cross-disciplinary discussions on "IntegrityManagement," "Intellectual Property Compliance," and"Whistleblower Protection Systems" within the tech industry. Thesedialogues aimed to deepen the partnership between government and enterprises,and to build a consensus on integrity management among various businesssectors.

In the "Public-Private Collaboration& Benchmark Sharing" theme, the forum featured keynote presentationsby Dr. Liao Tsung-Sheng, Associate Dean of the College of Law at National ChungCheng University, and Dr. Hung Ying-Rong, Assistant Professor at the College ofLaw at National Chung Hsing University. Dr. Liao analyzed the major challengesand opportunities associated with pursuing net-zero emissions targets and ESGstandards. Dr. Hung explored the impact of technological transformation onlabor law and corresponding strategies.

Additionally, the forum invited Mr. WangYi-Feng, General Manager of the Kouhu Fisheris Production Cooperative, and Mr.Chen Ying-Hao, Chairman of Tuku Yi International Co., Ltd., to share theirvaluable experiences in public-private collaboration and sustainable practices.Their insights aimed to provide practical benchmarks for other businessentities.

Furthermore, the forum included discussionsled by Mr. Lee Ming-Yueh, Director of the Planning Department at the YunlinCounty Government, and Mr. Chu Chi-Jen, Chief Prosecutor at the Yunlin DistrictProsecutors Office. To promote cross-sectoral dialogue and consensus amonggovernment, industry, and academia, they delved into topics such as "ESGSustainable Practices" and "Enterprise Social Responsibility".

Magistrate Chang Li-Shan statedthatin an effort to continuously enhance Yunlin's international visibility, 2024has been designated as the "Year of International Friendship." Theforum represents Yunlin's first bilingual event, marking a significant stepforward in its internationalization efforts.

Currently, Yunlin is transitioning from atraditional agricultural county to an "Agriculture-Industry-TechnologyCity," with plans for nine major industrial parks. The county aims toattract young talent, retain skilled professionals, and provide high-qualityinvestment and development resources. Emphasizing enterprise integrity, lawcompliance, and consumer protection, Yunlin seeks to address investmentbarriers and warmly invites both domestic and international businesses toinvest in the county.

Magistrate Changemphasizedthat integrity as a foundation, Yunlin aims to move towards honest enterprisepractices and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The goal is to ensureenvironmental sustainability and advance towards Yunlin 2030, transforming thecounty into a thriving technology city integrating agriculture, industry, andcommerce.

·SDGs10 減少不平等減少國內及國家間的不平等

·SDGs16 和平與正義制度促進和平多元的社會,確保司法平等,建立具公信力且廣納民意的體系


上傳時間:2024-09-02 14:45
免責聲明:本文來自 張起床 ,不代表天眼日報全球網路新聞網站的觀點和立場。